lördag 17 januari 2009

Ordering a Surface Table

So how do you do when you want to order a Surface table? The first thing you need to do is to contact your local Microsoft representative. From her/him you will get an order form that you are supposed to send to an email address. After that there is nothing. I didn’t get any reply, no confirmation and no nothing. So I waited for a couple of days and then I contacted the local Microsoft representative again and he contacted the Surface Business Desk and managed to get a delivery date! Or at least a date when our unit will leave the warehouse in Germany. So on the 29th of January it will leave Germany so in the beginning of February it will arrive to Stockholm. I can’t wait!

In the reply from the Surface Business Desk they also said that the team working with the shipments is working fast and furiously to ramp up and ship units to customers. It would be really interesting to know how many units that are ordered in Sweden and in the rest of Europe.

I’m still waiting to get the exact shipping details and logistics so that I soon can get my hand on our big ass table!

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